“Egos: Reflections (Of The Soul)" is an experimental musical film, produced in collaboration with the Berlin electronic trio GHEIST, featuring the title track from their upcoming debut album 'Zukunft'.
In his constant battle within, a man comes to terms with himself upon reflection.
The film is an abstract exploration of the battle within oneself - using movement as a form of expression to journey towards self-realization, accompanied by the healing power of music.
Directed & Produced by: Taha Ismail
Music: Gheist
Starring: Lorenzo Samy Harani
Director of Photography: Aliou Diallo
Camera Operators: Taha Ismail, Aliou Diallo
Production Assistant: Griffin Gates
Set Photographer: Shahriar Abedeen
Edit & Grade: Taha Ismail
Words: Sadeka Taqi
Voiceover: Kugar Black
Production Company: Collective Unconscious
Youtube release below: